This past March, we held our DevOps Exchange London at Marks & Spencer HQ on March 17th. As usual, we had an eventful evening with good chats, networking, pizza and drinks to commemorate St. Patrick’s Day. Join DevOps Exchange London Meetup to stay tuned for all future events: DOXLON Meetup.

Neil Saunders (Beamly) - Securing your AWS Infrastructure with Hashicorp Vault

A Review of AWS security concepts, Leaks at Beamly, an Introduction to Hashicorp Vault and How we Use Vault at Beamly

Colin Humphreys (Pivotal) - Five Years of Foundry

Five Years of Foundry: An Agile Retrospective, an Introduction to Cloud Foundry and the Cloud of AppPaaS Present

James Nugent (Hashicorp) - How a trick will improve your infrastructure provisioning

An Introduction to Hashicorp: Terraform, Vault, Surf, Vagrant, Packer, Nomad, Atlas and Auto.