
Outlyer Public REST API

Outlyer has a full REST API, which is used by our web application too, so you won’t find anything you can’t do in our REST API that isn’t available in our web application - its a first class citizen in our architecture.

At this point API tokens aren’t available but will be added soon to user accounts.

The new REST API is built using Swagger, this means you can test our APIs and generate 3rd party client libraries automatically from our Swagger definition. To view the API Docs page to see all REST endpoints and models you can view them here:

Getting an API Token

Under your user settings (Accessible from your name in the top right menu) you can find a list of all your API tokens. To create a new API token to access the REST API follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Generate API Token button on the top left menu
  2. A prompt will ask you for a name for the token so you can remember what each token is for. Type in a name for the token and press enter.
  3. Another prompt will come up with the private API token. Make sure you copy this somewhere safely, the token will not be available to you again.
  4. The new token should appear in your list of API tokens on the User Settings page.

If you need to revoke access to a previously created API token, simply click the delete button for the token and confirm you wish to delete the token. Once deleted the token will no longer be able to access the REST APIs with your credentials.

Authenticating Requests

All requests must have the Authorization HTTP header set with type Bearer and the API token generated above in the following format:

Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>