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Author: Outlyer | Version: 1.0.0 | License: MIT | Categories:

This integration monitors the Relational Database Service (RDS) on AWS. Amazon RDS provides a managed relational database service with a choice of six popular database engines: Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.

This integration provides two plugins for monitoring your RDS instances:

  • A discovery plugin that will list all of your RDS instances in Outlyer for monitoring
  • A check that uses the Cloudwatch APIs to monitor each RDS instance in Outlyer

Once enabled you will see your RDS instances with all their metadata and labels in the host map in Outlyer, and a dashboard of all the key metrics across your RDS instances in your AWS account.

A full list of available Cloudwatch metrics for the RDS is available here.

Metric Name Type Labels Unit Description
aws.rds_burstbalance_max Gauge region, engine Percentage The percent of General Purpose SSD (gp2) burst-bucket I/O credits available.
aws.rds_swapusage_max Gauge region, engine Bytes The amount of swap space used on the DB instance.
aws.rds_freestoragespace_max Gauge region, engine Bytes The amount of available storage space.
aws.rds_freeablememory_max Gauge region, engine Bytes The amount of available random access memory.
aws.rds_cpuutalization_max Gauge region, engine Percentage The percentage of CPU utilization.
aws.rds_networktransmitthroughput_max Gauge region, engine Bytes/second The outgoing (Transmit) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
aws.rds_networkreceivethroughput_max Gauge region, engine Bytes/second The incoming (Receive) network traffic on the DB instance, including both customer database traffic and Amazon RDS traffic used for monitoring and replication.
aws.rds_writeops_max Gauge region, engine Count/Second The average number of disk write I/O operations per second.
aws.rds_writelatency_max Gauge region, engine Seconds The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.
aws.rds_writethroughput_max Gauge region, engine Bytes/second The average number of bytes written to disk per second.
aws.rds_readiops_max Gauge region, engine Count/Second The average number of disk read I/O operations per second.
aws.rds_readthroughput_max Gauge region, engine Bytes/second The average number of bytes read from disk per second.
aws.rds_readlatency_max Gauge region, engine Seconds The average amount of time taken per disk I/O operation.
aws.rds_diskqueuedepth_max Gauge region, engine Count The number of outstanding IOs (read/write requests) waiting to access the disk.
aws.rds_databaseconnections_max Gauge region, engine Count The number of database connections in use.
aws.rds_cpucreditusage_max Gauge region, engine Count The number of CPU credits spent by the instance for CPU utilization.
aws.rds_cpucreditbalance_max Gauge region, engine Count The number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accrued since it was launched or started.
aws.rds_binlogdiskusage_max Gauge region, engine Bytes The amount of disk space occupied by binary logs on the master.

In order for this integration to run, you must create an IAM role and access keys for the plugin to connect to your AWS RDS APIs and AWS Cloudwatch metrics:

  1. To get started, open the AWS Management Console
  2. Click the IAM tab.
  3. Click the Create a New Group of Users button.
  4. Enter a Group Name called Outlyer.
  5. Select the Read Only Access Policy Template then click Continue.
  6. Click the Create New Users tab.
  7. Enter a new User Name called Outlyer and click Continue and then Finish.
  8. Click Show User Security Credentials.
  9. Copy and paste your Access Key Id and the Secret Access Key somewhere safe.


There are two plugins:

  • uses the Outlyer agent’s instance discovery mechanism to automatically discover all the RDS instances in a specified region
  • is deployed as a standard check runs against each RDS instance discovered in the discovery plugin

The discovery plugin must be currently deployed manually to disk on an agent. The plugin must be put in the agent’s plugins folder and a discovery check YAML file must be configured in the agent’s conf.d folder. An example of the YAML configuration file is shown below:

    command: '/opt/outlyer/embedded/bin/python3 /etc/outlyer/plugins/'
    interval: 300
    disabled: false
    timeout: 120

    # environment: 'prod'

    #  - 'environment'

    check_interval: 30


Once running you should see almost immediately all your RDS instances in the host view of the Outlyer UI. After that you can then deploy the monitoring check to monitor all of the instances via Cloudwatch. It is recommended that you use the check selector cloud.service=aws.rds to ensure the check runs against all your RDS instances.

It is recommended that both plugins run at 5 minute intervals to avoid significant charges on your AWS account bills

Both plugins must set the following variables to run:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS Access Key copied above
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS Secret Key copied above
  • AWS_REGION: The AWS Region your RDS instnces are running in

In addition the following variables can be set to override the default values:

  • time_range: The time range in minutes to query your metrics over. By default this is set to the last 10 minutes but if you run your functions rarely this can be set to longer for testing purposes.
Version Release Date Description
1.0 25-Jun-2018 Initial version of our RDS monitoring integration.