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Author: Outlyer | Version: 1.3.4 | License: MIT | Categories:

Kubernetes is an open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

This integration will monitor your Kubernetes cluster by collecting metrics from API Server, kube-state-metrics, and Kubelet.

Once enabled you will get default dashboards and alert rules to help you get started monitoring your key Kubernetes metrics.

Kubernetes API Server: kubernetes-api-server.py

Metric Name Type Labels Unit Description
apiserver_request_count Counter k8s.cluster, verb, resource, client, contentType, code   Total number of API Server requests per second.
apiserver_request_latencies_summary Gauge k8s.cluster, resource, scope, subresource, verb, quantile microsecond API Server request latency.

Kube State Metrics: kube-state-metrics.py

Metric Name Type Labels Unit Description
kube_daemonset_status_number_available Gauge k8s.cluster, daemonset, namespace   The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have one or more of the daemon pod running and available.
kube_daemonset_status_number_unavailable Gauge k8s.cluster, daemonset, namespace   The number of nodes that should be running the daemon pod and have none of the daemon pod running and available.
kube_deployment_metadata_generation Gauge k8s.cluster, deployment, namespace   Sequence number representing a specific generation of the desired state.
kube_deployment_spec_replicas Gauge k8s.cluster, deployment, namespace   Number of desired pods for a deployment.
kube_deployment_status_observed_generation Gauge k8s.cluster, deployment, namespace   The generation observed by the deployment controller.
kube_deployment_status_replicas Gauge k8s.cluster, deployment, namespace   The number of replicas per deployment.
kube_deployment_status_replicas_available Gauge k8s.cluster, deployment, namespace   The number of available replicas per deployment.
kube_deployment_status_replicas_unavailable Gauge k8s.cluster, deployment, namespace   The number of unavailable replicas per deployment.
kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated Gauge k8s.cluster, deployment, namespace   The number of updated replicas per deployment.
kube_node_spec_unschedulable Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name   Whether a node can schedule new pods.
kube_node_status_allocatable_cpu_cores Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name core The CPU resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kube_node_status_allocatable_memory_bytes Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name byte The memory resources of a node that are available for scheduling.
kube_node_status_capacity_pods Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name   The total pod resources of the node.
kube_node_status_condition Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, condition, status   The condition of a cluster node.
kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total Counter k8s.cluster, container, namespace, pod   The number of container restarts per second.
kube_pod_container_status_waiting_reason Gauge k8s.cluster, container, namespace, pod, reason   Describes the reason the container is currently in waiting state.
kube_pod_info Gauge k8s.cluster, pod, namespace, host_ip, pod_ip, k8s.node.name, created_by_kind, created_by_name   Information about pod.
kube_pod_status_phase Gauge k8s.cluster, pod, namespace, phase   The pods current phase.
kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores Gauge k8s.cluster, container, pod, namespace, k8s.node.name core The number of requested cpu cores by a container.
kube_pod_container_resource_limits_cpu_cores Gauge k8s.cluster, container, pod, namespace, k8s.node.name core The limit on cpu cores to be used by a container.
kube_pod_container_resource_requests_memory_bytes Gauge k8s.cluster, container, pod, namespace, k8s.node.name byte The number of requested memory bytes by a container.
kube_pod_container_resource_limits_memory_bytes Gauge k8s.cluster, container, pod, namespace, k8s.node.name byte The limit on memory to be used by a container in bytes.
kube_pod_container_status_terminated_reason Gauge k8s.cluster, container, pod, namespace, reason   Describes the reason the container is currently in terminated state.
kube_pod_status_ready Gauge k8s.cluster, pod, namespace, condition   Describes whether the pod is ready to serve requests.
kube_service_info Gauge k8s.cluster, service, namespace, cluster_ip   Information about service.

Kubernetes Kubelet: kubernetes-kubelet.py

Metric Name Type Labels Unit Description
container_cpu_cfs_throttled_seconds_total Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, id, image, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label second Total time duration the container has been throttled.
container_cpu_usage_seconds_total Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, cpu, id, image, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label core/second Rate of CPU time consumed per cpu in seconds.
container_fs_reads_bytes_total Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, device, id, image, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label byte/second Rate of bytes read.
container_fs_writes_bytes_total Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, device, id, image, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label byte/second Rate of bytes written.
container_memory_working_set_bytes Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, id, image, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label byte Current working set in bytes.
container_memory_swap Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, id, image, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label byte Container swap usage in bytes.
container_network_receive_bytes_total Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, id, image, interface, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label byte/second Rate of bytes received.
container_network_receive_errors_total Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, id, image, interface, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label error/second Rate of errors encountered while receiving.
container_network_transmit_bytes_total Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, id, image, interface, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label byte/second Rate of bytes transmitted.
container_network_transmit_errors_total Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, container, id, image, interface, name, namespace, pod, k8s.pod.label error/second Rate of errors encountered while transmitting.
kube_node_cpu_usage_cores Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label core The total CPU usage (sum of all cores).
kube_node_cpu_usage_pct Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label fraction The percentage of CPU cores used.
kube_node_fs_imagefs_available_bytes Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label byte The storage space available for the imagefs filesystem.
kube_node_fs_imagefs_inodes_free Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label inode The free inodes in the imagefs filesystem.
kube_node_fs_nodefs_available_bytes Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label byte The storage space available for the nodefs filesystem.
kube_node_fs_nodefs_capacity_bytes Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label byte The total capacity of the nodefs filesystem storage.
kube_node_fs_nodefs_inodes_free Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label inode The free inodes in the nodefs filesystem.
kube_node_fs_nodefs_used_bytes Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label byte The bytes used in the nodefs filesystem.
kube_node_fs_nodefs_used_pct Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label fraction The percentage of nodefs filesystem usage.
kube_node_memory_available_bytes Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label byte The memory available in the node.
kube_node_memory_usage_byte Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label byte The memory used by the node.
kube_node_memory_usage_pct Gauge k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label fraction The percentage of memory used in the node.
kube_node_network_rx_bytes Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label, interface byte/sec Rate of bytes received.
kube_node_network_tx_bytes Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label, interface byte/sec Rate of bytes transmitted.
kube_node_network_rx_errors Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label, interface error/sec Rate of errors encountered while receiving.
kube_node_network_tx_errors Counter k8s.cluster, k8s.node.name, k8s.node.label, interface error/sec Rate of errors encountered while transmitting.

Kubernetes API Server: kubernetes-api-server.py

This plugin can is used to check API Server, the health of etcd and to collect metrics from API Server.

  1. API Server Health: run it against any single Kubernetes node.
  2. etcd Health: provide the environment variable endpoint: healthz/etcd and run it against any single Kubernetes node.
  3. API Server Metrics: provide the environment variable endpoint: metrics and run it against any single Kubernetes node.
Variable Default Description
endpoint healthz Specifies the API Server endpoint.

Kubernetes API Server: kube-state-metrics.py

This plugin is used to scrape metrics from kube-state-metrics. If you have deployed kube-state-metrics on your Kubernetes cluster as shown in our documentation, just run it against any Kubernetes Node. Otherwise, provide the environment variable host with the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of your kube-state-metrics Kubernetes Service.

Variable Default Description
host kube-state-metrics.kube-system Specifies the FQDN for kube-state-metrics K8s Service.
port 8080 kube-state-metrics metrics port.
endpoint metrics kube-state-metrics metrics endpoint.
timeout 40 timeout querying kube-state-metrics endpoint.

Kubernetes Kubelet: kubernetes-kubelet.py

This plugin is used to scrape container and pod metrics from the embedded cAdvisor instance that ships with Kubelet and node metrics from the Kubelet Summary API. Just run the plugin against all your Kuberentes Nodes.

Variable Default Description
protocol http Kubelet REST API protocol (http or https).
ip Kubelet host.
port 10255 Kubelet REST API port (set it to 10250 when using https protocol).
cadvisor_endpoint metrics/cadvisor cAdvisor metrics endpoint.
summary_endpoint stats/summary Kubelet Summary API endpoint.
token_path /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token The path to the mounted Kubernetes Secret file containing the API token to access Kubelet REST API using https protocol.
Version Release Date Description
1.3.4 19-Nov-2018 Kubelet plugin fix: collect node metrics for each network interface.
1.3.3 23-Oct-2018 Kubelet plugin fix: verify if labels returned from API Server exist.
1.3.2 27-Sep-2018 Fixes node memory and cpu allocatable units.
1.3.1 20-Sep-2018 Add timeout to KSM query.
1.3 21-Aug-2018 Creates Nodes Dashboard.
1.2 10-Aug-2018 Creates Pods Dashboard.
1.1 25-Jun-2018 Adds k8s.cluster label and collects new API Server latency metric.
1.0 24-May-2018 Initial version of our Kubernetes monitoring integration.