Last week we made a trip to Portland, OR in the USA to attend Monitorama 2014. For those of you who’ve never heard of it before, it is a conference run in the USA and Europe dedicated to monitoring. So as a monitoring company, it was an obvious event for us to attend and sponsor.
Myself and Steven both made the trip, and it was awesome! Loads of really smart people, lots of interesting conversations on monitoring, and loads of great speakers and talks. Steven will probably write up his own notes from the conference later as a separate blog for those of you interested.
It was also an opportunity to stand alongside all the other great monitoring vendors out there for the first time and showcase what we’ve been working on for the past 6 months since we started Outlyer. Although we haven’t officially launched, we used our 5 minute pitch to give a brief background and demo of the product, the first time we’ve done that publicly, and the response was fantastic.
We’ve had several companies come up afterwards asking to participate in our Beta later this year, and even got some validation from some of the leading online services attending that we were basically building what they had done internally. The problem for everyone else is of course, unless you’re one of those companies, hiring a development team with great engineers just to build a custom monitoring solution for your service isn’t usually an option, so we’re excited that our service will be available to everyone else providing the same capabilities as what the leading online services are using currently.
Jason Dixon, the excellent organizer behind Monitorama, kindly provided a video of our pitch which we’ve edited with the slides, so for those of you who missed it and want to also see for yourselves what we’ve been working on, here is the video below: